Chibi Maruko-chan

TV 24m
Chibi Maruko-chan is a shōjo manga series written and illustrated by Momoko Sakura. The series depicts the simple, everyday life of Momoko Sakura, a young girl everyone calls Maruko, and her family in suburban Japan in the year 1974.
Kaido is the best site to watch Chibi Maruko-chan SUB online, or you can even watch Chibi Maruko-chan DUB in HD quality. You can also find Nippon Television Network, Nishinippon Broadcasting anime on Kaido website.
Chibi Maruko-chan is a shōjo manga series written and illustrated by Momoko Sakura. The series depicts the simple, everyday life of Momoko Sakura, a young girl everyone calls Maruko, and her family in suburban Japan in the year 1974.
Japanese: ちびまる子ちゃん, Little Maruko-chan, Petite Maruko-chan
Aired: Jan 7, 1990 to Sep 27, 1992
Premiered: Winter 1990
Duration: 24m
Status: Finished Airing
MAL Score: ?
Genres: Comedy Kids
Kaido is the best site to watch Chibi Maruko-chan SUB online, or you can even watch Chibi Maruko-chan DUB in HD quality. You can also find Nippon Television Network, Nishinippon Broadcasting anime on Kaido website.

Characters & Voice Actors

Sakura, Tomozou

Sakura, Tomozou

Maruo, Sueo

Maruo, Sueo

Sakura, Sakiko

Sakura, Sakiko

Nagasawa, Kimio

Nagasawa, Kimio

Fujiki, Shigeru

Fujiki, Shigeru


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