
TV 22m
The story follows Shoutarou Futaba, a boy who's fascinated with men's rhythmic gymnastics and enrolled at the Ao High School to join the school's team. The story follows a team of unique seniors and Yoshiya Misato, a classmate who's famous in high school rhythmic gymnastics tournaments, who run together toward one goal. (Source: MAL News)
Kaido is the best site to watch Backflip!! SUB online, or you can even watch Backflip!! DUB in HD quality.
The story follows Shoutarou Futaba, a boy who's fascinated with men's rhythmic gymnastics and enrolled at the Ao High School to join the school's team. The story follows a team of unique seniors and Yoshiya Misato, a classmate who's famous in high school rhythmic gymnastics tournaments, who run together toward one goal. (Source: MAL News)
Japanese: バクテン!!
Aired: Apr 9, 2021 to ?
Premiered: Summer 2021
Duration: 22m
Status: Finished Airing
MAL Score: ?
Genres: Sports
Producers: Fuji TV, Zexcs
Kaido is the best site to watch Backflip!! SUB online, or you can even watch Backflip!! DUB in HD quality.

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